【Phudu】灵感来自过去越南的手写广告牌的无衬线字体 英文 开源

DT Phudu是一种无衬线字体,灵感来自过去越南的手写广告牌。它由从浅色到黑色的5个权重组成,与其他轻量级窄字体相比,它越轻,就越扩展,以提高可读性。有些细节是尖端的,并没有为此目的而变得尖锐。DT Phudu有相同的大写和小写,只使用全大写的信息显示,就像我们越南的广告牌风格。

我为什么要做这种字体?在学习和制作字体的过程中,我一直在思考是什么造就了越南字体。如果我们回到过去,我们可以在广告牌商店看到我们的字体风格,当时艺术家们改编了拉丁字体,然后根据他们的风格添加了标记。其中,大多数都是无衬线的大写字母,用作描述,有时也用作商店名称本身。为了制作一种新的易读易用的字体,我将上面故事中的一些研究与字母混合在一起。我不想只是复兴这些类型,我想改进它们,这样它们就可以适应现代风格,但仍然有“越南人”的灵魂。字体命名为DT Phudu(phục dựng)-越南语中的“复兴”,具有永恒的含义(与名称相反,它可以读作“phúdu”-短暂)。

DT Phudu is a display sans-serif typeface inspired by Vietnamese hand-lettering billboards in the old days. It consists of 5 weights from Light to Black, and the lighter it gets, the extended it becomes, for readability compared to other lightweight narrow typefaces. Some details are cutting-edge and not sharpened for this purpose too. DT Phudu has the same upper and lower-case, with the message of using only ALLCAPS for display purposes just like our Vietnamese billboard styles.

Why I made this typeface? In the process of learning and crafting types, I have always thought about what makes a Vietnamese typeface. If we rewind to the past, we can see our lettering styles on the billboard stores, when the artists adapted Latin typefaces and then added marks based on their styles. Among those, there were mostly all-caps sans-serif types played as descriptions or sometimes the store's names themself. To make a new easy to read and easy-to-get typeface, I mixed some of the research from the story above with letters. I don't want to just revive the types, I want to improve them, so they can fit the modern-day styles but still have "Vietnamese" souls in them. The typeface was named DT Phudu (phục dựng) - "revival" in Vietnamese, and has a meaning of timeless (quite the opposite of the name when it can be read as "phù du" - ephemeral).





本字体以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 开源字型授权版本1.1,简称SIL OFL 或OFL)授权协议发布,这个授权的自由度非常高:

✔ 这款字体无论是个人还是企业都可以自由免费商用,无需知会或者标明原作者。

✔ 这款字体可以自由传播、分享,或者将字体安装于系统、软件或APP中也是允许的,可以与任何软件捆绑再分发以及/或一并销售。

✔ 这款字体可以自由修改、改造,但修改或改造后的字体也必须同样以SIL Open Font License 1.1授权公开。

✘ 这款字体禁止用于违法行为,如因使用这款字体产生纠纷或法律诉讼,作者不承担任何责任。

✘ 根据SIL Open Font License 1.1的规定,禁止单独出售字体文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行为。

关于SIL Open Font License 1.1授权协议的内容、免责事项等详细细节,请查看详细的License授权文件的内容。



字体来源出处2:https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Phudu  (需要科学上网才能打开)






上一个:【Alegreya SC】一种最初用于文学的字体
下一个:【Love Light】一种带有爱心充满浪漫的手写英文字体