【Le Murmure】一种特别独特、优雅的英文标题字体 英文 标题 开源

为了更新品牌形象,法国设计机构 Murmure决定以定制字体 Le Murmure(法语“The Murmure”)为基础进行重塑设计。Studio Triple设计师Jérémy Landes开发了一种特别独特、编辑性和优雅的字体,并辅以令人惊讶的风格变化。

Jérémy 细心聆听,创造了符合 Murmure 品牌形象的字体。 Le Murmure 字体巧妙地利用了字符之间的不匹配,创造出一种独特的节奏来承载我们的声音。这种富有成效和丰富的合作增强了 Murmure 承担独特而敏感项目的图形和协作愿景。

作为标题字体,它的高度和形状的稳定性赋予它优雅,而受书法和技术启发的细节揭示了 Murmure 的所有实验、研究和创造力的理念。 Le Murmure 是一种无衬线字体,集有效性、易读性和独特性于一身。其高度浓缩的比例从杂志标题字体中汲取灵感,并增加了该机构希望赋予其新身份的编辑维度。

这种字体有许多字形变化,意味着以更原始的方式绘制替代字母。这里蕴藏着无限的潜力,用户将非常乐意通过随机 opentype 函数来开发这些潜力。

Inga Plönnig 的《Magnet》对《Le Murmure》影响很大。如果您喜欢 Le Murmure,您一定应该看看 Magnet 提供的更广泛的产品系列。

获奖:Le Murmure 荣获2018 年红点奖大奖、2019 年字体指导俱乐部卓越证书以及2019 年艺术指导俱乐部金奖。Alex Slobzheninov创建的西里尔字母被现代西里尔字母奖评为 2019 年最佳西里尔字母字体之一。

To renew their brand image, the French design agency Murmure has decided to base their remodeling on a custom-designed typeface: Le Murmure (“The Murmure” in French). Studio Triple designer Jérémy Landes has developed an especially distinctive, editorial and elegant font, which has been complemented by surprising stylistic variations.

Jérémy has lent an attentive ear to create a typeface in line with Murmure's image. Le Murmure font plays on a skillful mismatch between characters, creating a unique rhythm which carries our voice. This fruitful and enriching collaboration strengthens Murmure’s graphic and collaborative vision to undertake singular and sensitive projects.

Used as a titling font, its height and the stability of its shapes lend it elegance, whilst details inspired by calligraphy and technique reveal all of Murmure’s notions of experimentation, research and creativity. Le Murmure is a typeface devoid of serifs which combines effectiveness, legibility and singularity. Its highly condensed proportions draw their inspiration from magazine titling fonts and add the editorial dimension the agency wished to endow their new identity with.

This typeface comes with many glyph variations, meaning alternate letters drawn in an even more original way. Here lies infinite potential which the users will take great delight in exploiting through a random opentype function.

Inga Plönnig's Magnet was a great influence on Le Murmure. If you like Le Murmure, you should defintely have a look at the broader family that Magnet has to offer.

AWARDS, Le Murmure won a Grand Prix at the Red Dot Award 2018, a Certificate of Excellence of the Type Directors Club 2019 and the Gold at the Club des Directeurs Artistiques 2019. The Cyrillic created by Alex Slobzheninov was awarded one of the best Cyrillic typefaces of 2019 by the Modern Cyrillic Award.





本字体以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 开源字型授权版本1.1,简称SIL OFL 或OFL)授权协议发布,这个授权的自由度非常高:

✔ 这款字体无论是个人还是企业都可以自由免费商用,也无需知会或者标明原作者。

✔ 这款字体可以自由传播、分享,或者将字体安装于系统、软件或APP中也是允许的,可以与任何软件捆绑再分发以及/或一并销售。

✔ 这款字体可以自由修改、改造,但修改或改造后的字体也必须同样以SIL Open Font License 1.1授权公开。

✘ 这款字体禁止用于违法行为,如因使用这款字体产生纠纷或法律诉讼,作者不承担任何责任。

✘ 根据SIL Open Font License 1.1的规定,禁止单独出售字体文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行为。

关于SIL Open Font License 1.1授权协议的内容、免责事项等详细细节,请查看详细的License授权文件的内容。






安装后在PS、AI、word等软件中若找不到该字体,可搜索名字「Le Murmure」,字体安装方法与常见问题:点击查看


上一个:【kaeru kaeru】灵感来自箭毒蛙与日本木刻画的字体