【Typefesse】一种有趣的屁股形状的英文字体 英文 标题 开源


Claire —— 这是最敏捷的风格,也是最扭曲的。身体被迫扭曲或卷曲,以适应字母。当它们组合在一起形成一个单词时,它们似乎相互依偎,使字母符号的相邻性更加亲密。

Pleine —— 这种风格表示字母的中心。它允许在较小的体型下具有最大的可读性,并且可以用作Claire和Obscure风格之上的附加层。

Obscure —— 这是最图形化的风格,也是最像插图的。字母表被表示为各种锁孔,读者通过这些锁孔可以发现字母的背面。这些字母被视为游戏空间。

它们以2种字体文件排序:Typefesse Claire Obscure,大写字母为Obscure;小写字母为Claire;Typefesse Pleine,轮廓已被删除。

Typefesse is a playful butt-shaped typeface in which the letters are rendered in such a way that the reading is done through the folds of the body.The design of Typefesse is motivated by the surprising combination of two vocabularies, that of the body and that of the alphabet. The drawn alphabet reveals contortionist and playful creatures that either hide inside of it or that expose themselves to it. Is it the letter that defines the bodies' shapes, or is it the other way around? These creatures play with the viewer's gaze and fight against the lettershapes by disturbing their readability with their exuberance. The alphabet is laid bare and readers become spectator-voyeurs in spite of themselves. Typefesse is a typeface that generates a confusion between reading, seeing and spying. It's a titling font, although it has a surprising readability at small body sizes. Its three styles have been named in reference to the moon and its mysteries :

Claire — This is the most agile style, and the most contorted. The bodies are forced to twist or curl up in order to fit inside the letters. When they're set together to form a word, they seem to snuggle against each other and they make the adjacency of alphabetic signs more intimate.

Pleine — This style designates the heart of the letters. It allows the greatest readability at small body sizes and can be used as an additional layer on top of the Claire and Obscure styles.

Obscure — This is the most graphical style and the most illustration-like. The alphabet is represented as an assortment of lock holess through which the reader discovers the backside of letters. The letters are treated like spaces of play.

They are ordered in 2 font-files: Typefesse Claire-Obscure where capitals are Obscure whereas lower cases are Claire and Typefesse Pleine where outlines have been removed.





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