【Pilowlava】像岩浆液体流动风格的英文字体 英文 开源

Pilowlava诞生于一个直观、快节奏的创意反馈循环中,它的创作者试图给彼此一个惊喜。其结果是一种字体,让人想起用指南针绘制的冷却熔岩流。为了取悦它的父母,Pilowlava寻求粘性能量和受控几何形状之间的平衡。这种几何方法基于瑞士设计师Armin Hofmann在1965年编辑的《平面设计手册》中进行的研究。其字形的结构主要来源于手写动态,这些动态来自书法和涂鸦参考。所有这些甜蜜的不一致产生了一种摇摆不定、波动不定的排版颜色,体现在其曲线近乎数学般的张力上。在硬化的外壳下,Pilowlava等待最小的温度上升来恢复其粘度。某些字母的交替形状会引发这些热事故,并提高文本的温度。



2024年,Anton Moglia推出了“Pilowlava Atome”,这是一款为安纳西的Atome攀岩馆开发的定制版本,字母上有内部穿孔,模仿攀爬架。这个版本的创意来自平面设计师Gabriel Robert设计的海报。

Pilowlava (sic) was born as an intuitive, fast-paced creative feedback loop in which its creators tried to surprise one another.  The result is a typeface that recalls cooled lava flows drawn with a compass.  Striving to please both of its parents, Pilowlava seeks a balance between viscous energy and controlled geometry.  This geometric approach lies on the shoulders of researches conducted by Swiss designer Armin Hofmann in his Graphic Design Manual edited in 1965.  The structures of its glyphs are mostly derived from hand-written dynamics, that feed from both calligraphic and graffiti references.  All these sweet inconsistencies produce a vacillating, fluctuating typographic colour, embodied by the almost-mathematical tension of its curves.  Under a hardened crust, Pilowlava awaits the smallest temperature rise to recover its viscosity.  The alternate shapes of certain letters play out these thermic accidents and raise the temperature of the text.

It takes its name from lava pillows, a natural phenomenon that is produced when lava is expelled by an underwater volcano, or when the lava flows of an emerged volcano encounter a body of water.  In contact with the water, the lava flow is so hot that it's coated in a glass film.  As it isn't totally cooled down, it transforms into smooth pillows that continue to slowly grow.  This way, lava creates tubes and viscous balls that pile up and shape one another, and then they aggregate in puffy clusters that can measure several meters.

Pilowlava is available at Velvetyne from today on.  It's cost-free and it can be freely used, modified and distributed for all of your burning needs.

In 2024, Anton Moglia introduced "Pilowlava Atome", a custom version with interior perforations in the letters to imitate climbing holds, developed for the climbing gym Atome in Annecy.  The idea for this version came from a poster designed by graphic designer Gabriel Robert.





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